Ted Long Consulting
821 E. Indiana Ave | Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 | 208.964.5593


We employ the latest generation of software development tools and Microsoft technologies to provide you with highly scalable software for the desktop or web. All of the applications we develop utilize the latest technologies so your software can grow when your business needs evolve.

Application Development

Application Development is a large part of our business. Simply put, we do it right! We have a long list of successful software development projects ranging from simple mailing lists to extensive database management systems (DBMS), as well as, responsive, data-driven web-based solutions. We have the experience, know-how, and skills to make it happen.

Custom software can be costly; however, Ted Long Consulting has developed a complete set of tools to help you quickly deploy your solution, keeping development costs to a minimum. Our exclusive Rapid Application Development system was designed to produce clean, well-documented programming code that significantly reduces time spent on the software development process.

During development our Quality Assurance practices and procedures help ensure a trouble-free product, maximizing a software's lifespan.

Our service and support doesn't end when your software is delivered. We are available to help train your users as well as make requested changes to your software.

From design, to installation and training, Ted Long Consulting is your best bet for a successful software development project.

Project Design and Specifications

A building is only as good as it's design, and a good initial design makes the construction process easy. At Ted Long Consulting we design software for your technical solution like a quality designed/engineered building or car.

The foundation for a successful software product/technical solution is a well-written specification or requirements document.

Our specifications include all information necessary for the development process to begin, and it's written in words that you and your users understand.

Project Management

Creating a technical solution for your organization often means bringing together many different disciplines. Ted Long Consulting can help with the management of your technical effort.

Ted Long Consulting offers a full range of project management services including:

  • Bid preparation, solicitation, and evaluation
  • Project planning and coordination
  • Code and application reviews
  • Schedule and progress monitoring
  • Team planning and supervision
  • Cost estimating
  • Budget and cost control

Our specifications include all information necessary for the development process to begin, and it's written in words that you and your users understand.